Sunday, April 8, 2012

Win8 and Workflow

In the little time I've spent working with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview; I've noticed something very important. The Metro apps do not work with my writing workflow.It seems like there should be a way* to tile a Metro app, pinning it to the side of the desktop; or at least splitting between two Metro apps. And when I grab the top of a Metro app, it shrinks the page, and goes to what appears to be a positioning screen. This may just be for dual-monitor setups; because I can't get two of the things to appear at once, nor can I drop it on the "desktop".
This causes a problem for me, especially with the "Reader" app. When I'm writing, I'll often have a reference document open to the side. Sometimes it's a web site; usually, it will be a PDF or more recently an XPS document (hooray for free Print to File drivers). I like to have facts straight (or my character depictions consistent, at least), and the easiest way to do this is to splitscreen.
Now, I will say that this isn't a problem if you use the XPS viewer or Acrobat Reader from the desktop.
I can't seem to get this to work on Win8CP. I wonder if this could be partly due to my older hardware. I mentioned in the last post that Win8 automatically loaded a generic VGA driver for my laptop, instead of a specific driver for the GMA 900 (910/915). After more research (the first post was only meant to be first impressions), I found out that particular chipset does not have drivers available due to the changes in the graphics subsystem in Win7.
So what does that mean to me? I take a performance hit. Because Win8 cannot take advantage of the graphics hardware, the CPU has to pick up the load. And the Celeron M was not made for heavy lifting. I'm also limited in available resolutions to 1280x800 and 1024x768. Which means games like Civ4, which was playable at lowered resolutions under XP on this machine decides to spit, stutter, and pretty much become unplayable under Win8.
More importantly than gaming, the transition screens sometime glitch out; hiccuping when you switch between Metro apps. Which means swiping back and forth between, say, the IE Metro App open to Google Docs or, and the Reader app (which is the default display for both PDF and XPS) is not only time-consuming; but it can result in crashing (and then reloading) both. Hopefully, it will be more stable on supported hardware.

*As in, I was pretty sure I saw it happen in the preview video.

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