Monday, September 14, 2009

Reinstalling Windows a distinct possibility

Really, the one of the few things that's sticking in my craw about my plans to go back to school next year is the possibility of having to reinstall Windows on my PC -- or pick up a notebook that can run the programs I need (most likely Office 07+, Visual Studio.NET, that sort of thing).
The other things weigh on my mind as well, don't get me wrong; but this is a concern too. It's not that I don't like Microsoft products. OK, part of it is. Helping my wife with her database homework has been a lesson in frustration when I know that the operation is possible (because after a 5 minutes refresher I can do it with the basic SQL functions[1]) but the lack of coherence in the instructor, instructional material, and online help made the same task next to impossible in Outlook 07.

The other part is -- if I have to use my current computer -- I'll have to find more space for my media server. Not that it's actually 'serving' much (ftp only right at the moment, but hey). Speaking of which, I need to make sure that I have anon read capabilities enabled there, too; or figure out how to get it to follow links. If nothing else, I may have to mount the drive inside my home folder.

[1] SELECT * FROM table
WHERE value=(SELECT MAX(value) FROM table)
OR value=(SELECT MIN(value) FROM table)
will display the largest and smallest 'value'

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