Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One More Thing

One of the things I took away from Tuesday night's election coverage was the astute observations by FoxNews contributor Karl Rove.
Yes, I was watching Fox News. It's not something I do very often - I'm not conservative by any stretch of the political definition. That said, the actual news portions of their broadcast day - such as Live Desk - are reliable and watchable, and as long as I stay away from the op-ed/"analysis" shoes (Hannity, O'Rielly, Van Susteren), my TV screen remains remarkably free of footwear flung in frustration. That said, I feel the same way about MSNBC (Olbermann : O'Rielly :: Kettle : Pot). I'm really politically homeless: moderate to conservative fiscally, extremely liberal when dealing with social issues, damn near libertarian on the Federal Gov'ts role.
What caught me while I was switching between the big 3 cable news outlets last night was Rove's evaluation of where Obama found votes. Sorry, can't find the video anywhere. I'll recap like the cohost did; Obama took votes from the various demographics with a scalpal, not a hatchet.
In other words, he built a coalition; instead of trying to win over whole blocks of voters - like Kerry did in 04 - and risk alienating his core constituency, Obama won over small portions of the traditionally Republican demographics: 2, 3, 4% of the vote compared to four years ago. Enough little steps, and you make large strides :).

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